Monday, 29 September 2014

A compound found in common spice turmeric encourages brain cell growth

New research suggests that aromatic-tumerone, a compound found in the spice turmeric, could be used to create future drugs to treat patients with neural impairment, such as sufferers of strokes and Alzheimer’s disease.
Scientists from the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine at the Research Centre Juelich in Germany studied the impact that aromatic-tumerone has on neural cells by injecting the compound into the brains of rats. Scans revealed that, after being injected with the compound, the regions of the brain involved in nerve cell growth were more active. 
The researchers also tested the impact of the compound directly on neural stem cells, which are cells that have the ability to transform into any type of brain cell and, in theory, should be able to repair damage or disease. But in humans and other mammals this process doesn’t seem to work so well.
"In humans and higher developed animals their abilities do not seem to be sufficient to repair the brain but in fish and smaller animals they seem to work well,” Maria Adele Rueger, a neuroscientist who was part of the research team, told Smitha Mundasad from BBC News.
After treating rodent neural stem cells in different concentrations of aromatic-tumerone, the scientists found that the compound encouraged the growth of the neural stem cells - and the higher the concentration, the greater the growth.
The turmeric compound also sped up the differentiation of the stem cells. The results are published in the journal Stem Cell Research and Therapy.
"It is interesting that it might be possible to boost the effectiveness of the stem cells with aromatic-turmerone. And it is possible this in turn can help boost repair in the brain,” Rueger told the BBC.
The team is now looking into human trials to find out whether the turmeric compound has the same effect on our brain cells.
Source: BBC

Friday, 26 September 2014

A galaxy of deception

Astronomers usually have to peer very far into the distance to see back in time, and view the Universe as it was when it was young. This new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of galaxy DDO 68, otherwise known as UGC 5340, was thought to offer an exception. This ragged collection of stars and gas clouds looks at first glance like a recently-formed galaxy in our own cosmic neighbourhood. But, is it really as young as it looks?
Astronomers have studied galactic evolution for decades, gradually improving our knowledge of how galaxies have changed over cosmic history. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has played a big part in this, allowing astronomers to see further into the distance, and hence further back in time, than any telescope before it — capturing light that has taken billions of years to reach us.
Looking further into the very distant past to observe younger and younger galaxies is very valuable, but it is not without its problems for astronomers. All newly-born galaxies lie very far away from us and appear very small and faint in the images. On the contrary, all the galaxies near to us appear to be old ones.
DDO 68, captured here by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, was one of the best candidates so far discovered for a newly-formed galaxy in our cosmic neighbourhood. The galaxy lies around 39 million light-years away from us; although this distance may seem huge, it is in fact roughly 50 times closer than the usual distances to such galaxies, which are on the order of several billions of light years.
By studying galaxies of various ages, astronomers have found that those early in their lives are fundamentally different from those that are older. DDO 68 looks to be relatively youthful based on its structure, appearance, and composition. However, without more detailed modelling astronomers cannot be sure and they think it may be older than it lets on.
Elderly galaxies tend to be larger thanks to collisions and mergers with other galaxies that have bulked them out, and are populated with a variety of different types of stars — including old, young, large, and small ones. Their chemical makeup is different too. Newly-formed galaxies have a similar composition to the primordial matter created in the Big Bang (hydrogen, helium and a little lithium), while older galaxies are enriched with heavier elements forged in stellar furnaces over multiple generations of stars.
DDO 68 is the best representation yet of a primordial galaxy in the local Universe as it appears at first glance to be very low in heavier elements — whose presence would be a sign of the existence of previous generations of stars.
Hubble observations were carried out in order to study the properties of the galaxy’s light, and to confirm whether or not there are any older stars in DDO 68. If there are, which there seem to be, this would disprove the hypothesis that it is entirely made up of young stars. If not, it would confirm the unique nature of this galaxy. More complex modelling is needed before we can know for sure but Hubble's picture certainly gives us a beautiful view of this unusual object.
The image is made up of exposures in visible and infrared light taken with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys.


The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Fossil of ancient multicellular life sets evolutionary timeline back 60 million years

A Virginia Tech geobiologist with collaborators from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have found evidence in the fossil record that complex multicellularity appeared in living things about 600 million years ago -- nearly 60 million years before skeletal animals appeared during a huge growth spurt of new life on Earth known as the Cambrian Explosion.
The discovery published online Wednesday in the journal Nature contradicts several longstanding interpretations of multicellular fossils from at least 600 million years ago.
"This opens up a new door for us to shine some light on the timing and evolutionary steps that were taken by multicellular organisms that would eventually go on to dominate the Earth in a very visible way," said Shuhai Xiao, a professor of geobiology in the Virginia Tech College of Science. "Fossils similar to these have been interpreted as bacteria, single-cell eukaryotes, algae, and transitional forms related to modern animals such as sponges, sea anemones, or bilaterally symmetrical animals. This paper lets us put aside some of those interpretations."
In an effort to determine how, why, and when multicellularity arose from single-celled ancestors, Xiao and his collaborators looked at phosphorite rocks from the Doushantuo Formation in central Guizhou Province of South China, recovering three-dimensionally preserved multicellular fossils that showed signs of cell-to-cell adhesion, differentiation, and programmed cell death -- qualities of complex multicellular eukaryotes such as animals and plants.
The discovery sheds light on how and when solo cells began to cooperate with other cells to make a single, cohesive life form.
The complex multicellularity evident in the fossils is inconsistent with the simpler forms such as bacteria and single-celled life typically expected 600 million years ago.
While some hypotheses can now be discarded, several interpretations may still exist, including the multicellular fossils being transitional forms related to animals or multicellular algae.
Xiao said future research will focus on a broader paleontological search to reconstruct the complete life cycle of the fossils.
Xiao earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Beijing University in 1988 and 1991 and his doctoral degree from Harvard University in 1998. He worked for three years at Tulane University before arriving at Virginia Tech in 2003.
He is currently active in an editorial role for seven professional publications and has published more than 130 papers.

New dinosaur from New Mexico has relatives in Alberta

A newly discovered armoured dinosaur from New Mexico has close ties to the dinosaurs of Alberta, say University of Alberta paleontologists involved in the research.

From 76 to 66 million years ago, Alberta was home to at least five species of ankylosaurid dinosaurs, the group that includes club-tailed giants like Ankylosaurus. But fewer ankylosaurids are known from the southern parts of North America. The new species,Ziapelta sanjuanensis, was discovered in 2011 in the Bisti/De-na-zin Wilderness area of New Mexico by a team from the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science and the State Museum of Pennsylvania.
The U of A researchers in the Faculty of Science, including recent PhD graduate Victoria Arbour and current doctoral student Michael Burns, were asked to be part of the project because of their expertise in the diversity of ankylosaurs from Alberta.
"Bob Sullivan, who discovered the specimen, showed us pictures, and we were really excited by both its familiarity and its distinctiveness—we were pretty sure right away we were dealing with a new species that was closely related to the ankylosaurs we find in Alberta," says Arbour.
Ziapelta is described in a new paper in PLOS ONE. It stands out from other ankylosaurs because of unusually tall spikes on the cervical half ring, a structure like a yoke of bone sitting over the neck. Ziapelta's skull also differentiates it from other known ankylosaurs.
"The horns on the back of the skull are thick and curve downwards, and the snout has a mixture of flat and bumpy scales—an unusual feature for an ankylosaurid," notes Arbour. "There's also a distinctive large triangular scale on the snout, where many other ankylosaurids have a hexagonal scale."
Ziapelta hails from the Late Cretaceous, when a vast inland sea divided North America in two, and Alberta and New Mexico each boasted beachfront property. Ankylosaur fossils are common in several of the rocky formations of Southern Alberta, but none have yet been found in the lower part of an area called the Horseshoe Canyon Formation—a gap in Alberta's ankylosaur fossil record.
 IMAGE: This is a life restoration ofZiapelta sanjuanensis, a new species of ankylosaurid dinosaurs that was discovered in New Mexico.
"The rocks in New Mexico fill in this gap in time, and that's where Ziapelta occurs," says Arbour. "Could Ziapelta have lived in Alberta, in the gap where we haven't found any ankylosaur fossils yet? It's possible, but in recent years there has also been increasing evidence that the dinosaurs from the southern part of North America—New Mexico, Texas, and Utah, for example—are distinct from their northern neighbours in Alberta."

Arbour says Ziapelta may have belonged to this group of southern dinosaurs—but more fossils could be waiting to be unearthed in Alberta's Badlands. "We should be on the lookout for Ziapeltafossils in the Horseshoe Canyon Formation in the future."

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Human sense of fairness evolved to favor long-term cooperation, primate study suggests

The human response to unfairness evolved in order to support long-term cooperation, according to a research team from Georgia State University and Emory University.
Fairness is a social ideal that cannot be measured, so to understand the evolution of fairness in humans, Dr. Sarah Brosnan of Georgia State's departments of Psychology and Philosophy, the Neuroscience Institute and the Language Research Center, has spent the last decade studying behavioral responses to equal versus unequal reward division in other primates.
In their paper, published in the journal Science, she and colleague Dr. Frans de Waal of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center and the Psychology Department at Emory University, reviewed literature from their own research regarding responses to inequity in primates, as well as studies from other researchers. Although fairness is central to humans, it was unknown how this arose. Brosnan and de Waal hypothesize that it evolved, and therefore elements of it can be seen in other species.
"This sense of fairness is the basis of lots of things in human society, from wage discrimination to international politics," Brosnan said. "What we're interested in is why humans aren't happy with what we have, even if it's good enough, if someone else has more. What we hypothesize is that this matters because evolution is relative. If you are cooperating with someone who takes more of the benefits accrued, they will do better than you, at your expense. Therefore, we began to explore whether responses to inequity were common in other cooperative species."
Brosnan and de Waal began their studies of fairness in monkeys in 2003, becoming the first in the field to report on this subject for any non-human species, Brosnan said. This paper, titled "Monkeys Reject Unequal Pay," was published in Nature.
In this study, brown capuchin monkeys became agitated and refused to perform a task when a partner received a superior reward for that same task. Since then, Brosnan has tested responses to inequity in nine different species of primates, including humans. She has found that species only respond to inequity when they routinely cooperate with those who are not related to them.
However, responding to getting less than a partner is not the only aspect of fairness. For a true sense of fairness, it also matters if you get more. Brosnan and de Waal hypothesize that individuals should be willing to give up a benefit in order to reach equal outcomes and stabilize valuable, long-term cooperative relationships. Thus far, this has only been found in humans and their closest relatives, the apes.
"Giving up an outcome that benefits you in order to gain long-term benefits from the relationship requires not only an ability to think about the future, but also the self-control to turn down a reward," Brosnan said. "These both require a lot of cognitive control. Therefore, we hypothesize that lots of species respond negatively to getting less than a partner, which is the first step in the evolution of fairness, but only a few species are able to make the leap to this second step, which leads to a true sense of fairness."

Ancient famine-fighting genes can't explain obesity

The obesity crisis has given prehistoric dining a stardom not known since Fred Flintstone introduced the Bronto Burger. Last year, “Paleo diet” topped the list of most-Googled weight loss searches, as modern Stone Age dieters sought the advice of bestsellers like The Paleo Solution or The Primal Blueprint, which encourages followers to “honor your primal genes.”
The assumption is that America has a weight problem because human metabolism runs on ancient genes that are ill equipped for contemporary eating habits. In this line of thinking, a diet true to the hunter-gatherers we once were — heavy on protein, light on carbs — will make us skinny again. While the fad has attracted skepticism from those who don’t buy the idea whole hog, there’s still plenty of acceptance for one common premise about the evolution of obesity: Our bodies want to stockpile fat.
For most of human history, the theory goes, hunter-gatherers ate heartily when they managed to slay a fleeing mastodon. Otherwise, prehistoric life meant prolonged stretches of near starvation, surviving only on inner reserves of adipose. Today, modern humans mostly hunt and gather at the drive-thru, but our Pleistocene genes haven’t stopped fretting over the coming famine.
The idea that evolution favored calorie-hoarding genes has long shaped popular and scientific thinking. Called the “thrifty gene” hypothesis, it has arguably been the dominant theory for evolutionary origins of obesity, and by extension diabetes. (Insulin resistance and diabetes so commonly accompany obesity that doctors have coined the term “diabesity.”) However, it’s not that difficult to find scientists who call the rise of the thrifty gene theory a feat of enthusiasm over evidence. Greg Gibson, director of the Center for Integrative Genomics at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, calls the data “somewhere between scant and nonexistent — a great example of crowd mentality in science.”
Support for the thrifty gene theory may be eroding in scientific circles, even while it’s still going strong on the Internet. One analysis published in February in theAmerican Journal of Human Genetics found no consistent association between 65 variations in possible thrifty genes and survival. Another study published in January inBiology Letters concluded that prehistoric hunter-gatherers actually ate more often, not less, than later societies that grew their own food. In describing the results, anthropologists from the University of Roehampton and University of Cambridge wrote that their finding challenges popular assumptions about the evolution of diet and today’s epidemic of obesity and diabetes.
It’s not that obesity has nothing to do with genetics, Gibson says. Of the 21,000 or so genes that make up the human genome, he estimates that perhaps hundreds influence body weight. Where the genetics get controversial, he says, is with the assumption that the overriding influence is a throwback to starvation — leaving humans at the mercy of genes that encourage overeating and the rapid accumulation of fat.
Instead, thrifty genes, if they exist, are just part of a complex genetic picture that contributes to the obesity epidemic, says Hertzel Gerstein, director of endocrinology and metabolism at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. The interaction between any one person’s predisposition and the calorie-dense Western smorgasbord is still not well understood. “People are looking for an explanation,” he says. “The thrifty gene hypothesis might be a piece of an explanation. However, if you accept it too uncritically, you close your mind and thinking to possibly better explanations.”
And there are plenty of lesser-known theories that address the origins of obesity, including those rooted in the complex nature of evolution, the migration patterns of early humans and changes in gene function that don’t involve mutations. Some explanations even stand out for their creativity, such as one from a team of researchers in India who propose that obesity is a consequence of declining human aggression.

Survival of the fattest

For all its recent fame, the thrifty gene hypothesis isn’t new. Geneticist James Neel of the University of Michigan Medical School proposed it in 1962 in the American Journal of Human Genetics. “It must be remembered,” he wrote, “that during the first 99 percent or more of man’s life on Earth, while he existed as a hunter and gatherer, it was often feast or famine.” The human who gorged and then held an extra pound or two in reserve when food was scarce was better able to survive. Thus, he concluded, the development of insulin resistance (a propensity for diabetes) conferred some physiological advantage that continues to exert itself.
In the five decades since its debut, the theory has “gone off in all sorts of directions,” says Andrew Prentice, who studies international nutrition at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Prentice supports the general concept Neel proposed —  that the genetic influences on body weight are the product of natural selection from lean times — but not in the way people commonly interpret it. For one, he doesn’t think the advantage of fatness had much to do with mortality.
His research, particularly focused on women in Gambia, in West Africa, suggests that food shortage affects fertility, and that women with the highest body weight have greater reproductive success. (Alternatively, women who become dangerously thin cease to ovulate.) Once human societies became agricultural, they went through periods of both blight and plenty — much like the population Prentice studies today. He’s found that plumpness is an advantage not because thinner members of a population are more likely to die, but because they are less likely to bear children and pass their genes to the next generation.
One of the most vocal critics of the thrifty gene hypothesis is John Speakman, who heads the Energetics Research Group at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. If being fat offered a benefit over the course of human evolution, Speakman reasons, then even more of the population would be obese, in the same way humans have universally developed large brains and upright postures. With the thrifty gene idea and its different incarnations, “the common thread is that some time in our evolutionary history it was advantageous to be fat,” he says. If this were true, and genes for obesity conferred a survival benefit, “the real problem is to explain why so few people get fat,” he says. “Even in America, 60 to 70 percent of people are not obese. How come so many of us didn’t inherit thrifty genes?”
Speakman became disenchanted with the thrifty gene hypothesis about a decade ago, deciding that it was based on simplistic assumptions about evolutionary dynamics. He set out to test it. Among other studies, in 2013 inDisease Models & Mechanisms, he published a mathematical analysis gauging how 32 known gene variations associated with body mass index would help people survive near starvation — and found that they made only a tiny difference.
The basic problem with the thrifty gene idea, he says, is that “it’s based on a naïve view of how evolution works.” Natural selection, though powerful, isn’t the sole architect of human DNA. Nature favors genes that help survival, but genes that are simply along for the ride will also be handed down through generations. In early human history, Speakman says, being overweight was a disadvantage. When a species is subject to predators, the slower, fatter members who are prone to overheating are the unlucky ones who will be picked off first. As humans developed fire and weapons, and grew less vulnerable to being hunted, he argues, heavier individuals survived — not because being fat was good, but because upper limits on body weight didn’t matter as much any more.
He calls this idea the “drifty gene” hypothesis, a name hefirst proposed in 2008 in the International Journal of Obesity to reflect that obesity might not have been actively selected for, just passively allowed to float into the human genome. “If you have a mutation that happens but doesn’t create a selective advantage, its influence is not going to be strong, but it’s not going to be actively removed either,” Speakman says.
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Speakman’s isn’t the only alternative to the idea that obesity is a holdover from ancient times of starvation. Elizabeth Genné-Bacon, a graduate student in genetics at Yale University, recently compiled evidence for the thrifty gene hypothesis along with other theories in apaper in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine.

Nifty, not thrifty

“I see textbooks with [the thrifty gene hypothesis] all the time,” she says. “It’s elegant and it makes sense. It’s easy to understand.” However, she found the support to be surprisingly thin, writing that, “Obesity researchers are often not aware that there is, in fact, limited evidence to support the thrifty gene hypothesis.”
For example, if thrifty genes were influencing metabolism, populations that most experienced famine should be particularly prone to diabetes. She points out that Europe has a lengthy history of war, disease and frequent food shortages, but European descendants have a lower incidence of diabetes than the indigenous people of the Americas and Pacific Islands who may have had less food turmoil in their distant past.
In her article, she lists other theories that might explain the evolution of obesity and diabetes:
  • The thrifty phenotype theory: This one exists in several forms. In a version proposed in 1992, researchers from University of Cambridge and Southampton General Hospital said the “thrifty phenotype” offers a survival advantage related primarily to obesity. Poor nutrition in the womb encourages the development of diabetes when food is abundant in adulthood even if it doesn’t cause direct changes to DNA, according to the theory. The reason, as they later explained in 2001 in the British Medical Bulletin, is that undernourishment in early development produces changes that include both reduced insulin secretion and insulin resistance — hallmarks of diabetes.
  • Genetically unknown foods: This theory rests on the observation that obesity and diabetes occur rarely in native populations, such as those who live on the Pacific Island of Nauru or the Pima Indians of Arizona — until they develop a taste for the Western diet. First published in the late 1990s by Riccardo Baschetti, a physician in Padua, Italy, the theory proposes that humans evolved to eat foods with the natural sweetness of fruit (not Froot Loops), leaving bodies that are not able to cope with sugar and fat at every checkout stand.
  • Aggression control: A full male is a docile male, researchers from University of Pune, India and colleagues wrote in 2010 in Medical Hypotheses. As humans relied less on fighting to survive, a propensity for obesity emerged. (When lethargy won’t get you killed, overindulgence isn’t so bad.)
  • Climate adaptations: One of the latest hypotheses appeared in the journal Endocrinology in May. A team of researchers from the United Kingdom noted that diabetes and obesity are unevenly distributed among populations throughout the world; the highest risk for both diseases occurs among people adapted for warmer temperatures (such as native populations in the tropics or Central and South America). As humans migrated out of Africa beginning around 70,000 years ago, they settled in varied climates. Survival in colder parts of the world amplified genes that help preserve body temperature — a higher metabolic rate that keeps the body warm would confer some resistance to obesity. Genes adapted for warmer climates would lower metabolic rate, burn calories at a slower pace and make the body more inclined to accumulate fat.
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Warm climates, slow metabolism

A new theory for the evolution of obesity proposes that as early humans migrated out of Africa and around the globe (dotted lines) and their bodies adapted to survive in different climates, those in warm climes ended up with a lower metabolic rate to help remain cool. That left them more vulnerable to metabolic syndrome, the cluster of symptoms that include high blood sugar and excess fat.

Evolution through thick and thin

None of the theories could be right, or several could, says Jeffrey Friedman, the Rockefeller University geneticist best known for discovering leptin, the hormone that helps regulate appetite. When he announced the finding in 1994, many researchers thought Friedman had found a link to a long-sought thrifty gene because of leptin’s direct relationship to appetite. Friedman himself went looking into the origins of obesity by conducting genetic studies on the island of Kosrae in Micronesia, where the native population was reduced to only 300 in the late 1880s, following a typhoon and an influx of communicable diseases from the West. Such a small, confined population creates a genetic bottleneck that makes isolating specific genes easier. As the island’s eating patterns fell under Western influence, diabetes and obesity emerged as serious health threats.
So far, though, he hasn’t found the answers he would like, including insight into evolutionary influences on diabetes. One of the largest studies of the Kosrae, published by Friedman and colleagues in PLoS Genetics in 2009, found that common gene variants associated with cholesterol and insulin response could not explain why some people became diabetic while others did not.
 Despite the gaps in knowledge, it’s a mistake to think that any one theory would explain an evolutionary tendency to become obese, Friedman says. He points out that humans in different parts of the world experienced different evolutionary pressures, so what’s true in one population might not apply to the next.
“People think about evolution of this sort taking place over millennia or eons. Evolution can be evident in a single generation,” he says. “Populations walk around with a spectrum of alleles, or genetic variants, and the frequency of one variant versus another can be changed dramatically even in a single generation.”
Just as being overweight might have affected survival, so would being too thin. “You could draw the lines wherever you want, but the point is if you were infinitely fat or infinitely thin it wouldn’t be good,” he says. “And there’s a biological system that’s evolved that allows you balance in a particular environment.”
The genetics of obesity has many influences, not just starvation or abundance or cold climates or warm, says obesity geneticist Claude Bouchard at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge. Human DNA is a genetic soup that reflects any number of prehistoric dinner challenges. “Evolution must have been zigzagging,” he says. “That’s why it’s hard to put all the pieces together.”

Friday, 12 September 2014

Unraveling mysteries of the Venusian atmosphere

Underscoring the vast differences between Earth and its neighbor Venus, new research shows a glimpse of giant holes in the electrically charged layer of the Venusian atmosphere, called the ionosphere. The observations point to a more complicated magnetic environment than previously thought -- which in turn helps us better understand this neighboring, rocky planet.
Planet Venus, with its thick atmosphere made of carbon dioxide, its parched surface, and pressures so high that landers are crushed within a few hours, offers scientists a chance to study a planet very foreign to our own. These mysterious holes provide additional clues to understanding Venus's atmosphere, how the planet interacts with the constant onslaught of solar wind from the sun, and perhaps even what's lurking deep in its core.
"This work all started with a mystery from 1978," said Glyn Collinson, a space scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who is first author of a paper on this work in the Journal of Geophysical Research. "When Pioneer Venus Orbiter moved into orbit around Venus, it noticed something very, very weird -- a hole in the planet's ionosphere. It was a region where the density just dropped out, and no one has seen another one of these things for 30 years."
Until now.
Collinson set out to search for signatures of these holes in data from the European Space Agency's Venus Express. Venus Express, launched in 2006, is currently in a 24-hour orbit around the poles of Venus. This orbit places it in much higher altitudes than that of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter, so Collinson wasn't sure whether he'd spot any markers of these mysterious holes. But even at those heights the same holes were spotted, thus showing that the holes extended much further into the atmosphere than had been previously known.
The observations also suggested the holes are more common than realized. Pioneer Venus Orbiter only saw the holes at a time of great solar activity, known as solar maximum. The Venus Express data, however, shows the holes can form during solar minimum as well.
Interpreting what is happening in Venus's ionosphere requires understanding how Venus interacts with its environment in space. This environment is dominated by a stream of electrons and protons -- a charged, heated gas called plasma -- which zoom out from the sun. As this solar wind travels it carries along embedded magnetic fields, which can affect charged particles and other magnetic fields they encounter along the way. Earth is largely protected from this radiation by its own strong magnetic field, but Venus has no such protection.
What Venus does have, however, is an ionosphere, a layer of the atmosphere filled with charged particles. The Venusian ionosphere is bombarded on the sun-side of the planet by the solar wind. Consequently, the ionosphere, like air flowing past a golf ball in flight, is shaped to be a thin boundary in front of the planet and to extend into a long comet-like tail behind. As the solar wind plows into the ionosphere, it piles up like a big plasma traffic jam, creating a thin magnetosphere around Venus -- a much smaller magnetic environment than the one around Earth.
Venus Express is equipped to measure this slight magnetic field. As it flew through the ionospheric holes it recorded a jump in the field strength, while also spotting very cold particles flowing in and out of the holes, though at a much lower density than generally seen in the ionosphere. The Venus Express observations suggest that instead of two holes behind Venus, there are in fact two long, fat cylinders of lower density material stretching from the planet's surface to way out in space. Collinson said that some magnetic structure probably causes the charged particles to be squeezed out of these areas, like toothpaste squeezed out of a tube.
The next question is what magnetic structure can create this effect? Imagine Venus standing in the middle of the constant solar wind like a lighthouse erected in the water just off shore. Magnetic field lines from the sun move toward Venus like waves of water approaching the lighthouse. The far sides of these lines then wrap around the planet leading to two long straight magnetic field lines trailing out directly behind Venus. These lines could create the magnetic forces to squeeze the plasma out of the holes.

Credit: NASA/Goddard/Duberstein
But such a scenario would place the bottom of these tubes on the sides of the planet, not as if they were coming straig
ht up out of the surface. What could cause magnetic fields to go directly in and out of the planet? Without additional data, it's hard to know for sure, but Collinson's team devised two possible models that can match these observations.
In one scenario, the magnetic fields do not stop at the edge of the ionosphere to wrap around the outside of the planet, but instead continue further.
"We think some of these field lines can sink right through the ionosphere, cutting through it like cheese wire," said Collinson. "The ionosphere can conduct electricity, which makes it basically transparent to the field lines. The lines go right through down to the planet's surface and some ways into the planet."
In this scenario, the magnetic field travels unhindered directly into the upper layers of Venus. Eventually, the magnetic field hits Venus' rocky mantle -- assuming, of course, that the inside of Venus is like the inside of Earth. A reasonable assumption given that the two planets are the same mass, size and density, but by no means a proven fact.
A similar phenomenon does happen on the moon, said Collinson. The moon is mostly made up of mantle and has little to no atmosphere. The magnetic field lines from the sun go through the moon's mantle and then hit what is thought to be an iron core.
In the second scenario, the magnetic fields from the solar system do drape themselves around the ionosphere, but they collide with a pile up of plasma already at the back of the planet. As the two sets of charged material jostle for place, it causes the required magnetic squeeze in the perfect spot.
Either way, areas of increased magnetism would stream out on either side of the tail, pointing directly in and out of the sides of the planet. Those areas of increased magnetic force could be what squeezes out the plasma and creates these long ionospheric holes.
Scientists will continue to explore just what causes these holes. Confirming one theory or the other will, in turn, help us understand this planet, so similar and yet so different from our own.

Scientists revert human stem cells to pristine state

Resetting transcription factor control circuitry toward
 ground-state pluripotency in Human.
Researchers at EMBL-EBI have resolved a long-standing challenge in stem cell biology by successfully 'resetting' human pluripotent stem cells to a fully pristine state, at point of their greatest developmental potential. The study, published in Cell, involved scientists from the UK, Germany and Japan and was led jointly by EMBL-EBI and the University of Cambridge.
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, which originate in early development, are capable of differentiating into any type of cell. Until now, scientists have only been able to revert 'adult' human cells (for example, liver, lung or skin) into pluripotent stem cells with slightly different properties that predispose them to becoming cells of certain types. Authentic ES cells have only been derived from mice and rats.
"Reverting mouse cells to a completely 'blank slate' has become routine, but generating equivalent naïve human cell lines has proven far more challenging," says Dr Paul Bertone, Research Group Leader at EMBL-EBI and a senior author on the study. "Human pluripotent cells resemble a cell type that appears slightly later in mammalian development, after the embryo has implanted in the uterus."
At this point, subtle changes in gene expression begin to influence the cells, which are then considered 'primed' towards a particular lineage. Although pluripotent human cells can be cultured from in vitro fertilised (IVF) embryos, until now there have been no human cells comparable to those obtained from the mouse.
Wiping cell memory
"For years, it was thought that we could be missing the developmental window when naïve human cells could be captured, or that the right growth conditions hadn't been found," Paul explains. "But with the advent of iPS cell technologies, it should have been possible to drive specialised human cells back to an earlier state, regardless of their origin -- if that state existed in primates."
Taking a new approach, the scientists used reprogramming methods to express two different genes, NANOG and KLF2, which reset the cells. They then maintained the cells indefinitely by inhibiting specific biological pathways. The resulting cells are capable of differentiating into any adult cell type, and are genetically normal.
The experimental work was conducted hand-in-hand with computational analysis.
"We needed to understand where these cells lie in the spectrum of the human and mouse pluripotent cells that have already been produced," explains Paul. "We worked with the EMBL Genomics Core Facility to produce comprehensive transcriptional data for all the conditions we explored. We could then compare reset human cells to genuine mouse ES cells, and indeed we found they shared many similarities."
Together with Professor Wolf Reik at the Babraham Institute, the researchers also showed that DNA methylation (biochemical marks that influence gene expression) was erased over much of the genome, indicating that reset cells are not restricted in the cell types they can produce. In this more permissive state, the cells no longer retain the memory of their previous lineages and revert to a blank slate with unrestricted potential to become any adult cell.
Unlocking the potential of stem cell therapies
The research was performed in collaboration with Professor Austin Smith, Director of the Wellcome Trust-Medical Research Council Stem Cell Institute.
"Our findings suggest that it is possible to rewind the clock to achieve true ground-state pluripotency in human cells," said Professor Smith. "These cells may represent the real starting point for formation of tissues in the human embryo. We hope that in time they will allow us to unlock the fundamental biology of early development, which is impossible to study directly in people."
The discovery paves the way for the production of superior patient material for translational medicine. Reset cells mark a significant advance for human stem cell applications, such as drug screening of patient-specific cells, and are expected to provide reliable sources of specialised cell types for regenerative tissue grafts.

Salt Doesn’t Cause High Blood Pressure? Here’s What a New Study Says

Sodium has long been labeled the blood-pressure bogeyman. But are we giving salt a fair shake?
Image of a salt shaker 
A new study published in theAmerican Journal of Hypertensionanalyzed data from 8,670 French adults and found that salt consumption wasn’t associated with systolic blood pressure in either men or women after controlling for factors like age.
Why not? One explanation, the authors write, is that the link we all assume between salt and blood pressure is “overstated” and “more complex than once believed.” It should be noted, however, that even though the study found no statistically significant association between blood pressure and sodium in the diet, those patients who werehypertensive consumed significantly more salt than those without hypertension—suggesting, as other research has, that salt affects people differently.
As for the factors that did seem to influence blood pressure, alcohol consumption, age, and most of all BMI were strongly linked to a rise. Eating more fruits and vegetables was significantly linked to a drop.
“Stopping weight increase should be the first target in the general population to counteract the hypertension epidemic,” the study authors wrote.
All of which is surprising given the fact that Americans are bombarded with warnings that we eat far too much: just yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a report finding that 90% of U.S. children eat more sodium than guidelines recommend. Almost half of that comes from 10 processed foods that kids tend to eat a lot of: pizza, bread, processed meats, savory snacks, sandwiches, cheese, processed chicken, pasta dishes, Mexican dishes, and soup.
The CDC firmly believes that salt
directly influences blood pressure. “We consider the totality of the evidence,” said Janelle Gunn of the CDC’s Division of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention at a press conference. “A vast majority of scientific research confirms that as sodium is reduced, so is blood pressure.”
We’ve reported before that the science surrounding salt is crazy confusing, and conflicting studiescome out with some frequency. In keeping with the frustrating reality of so many nutrient groups, no one side has definitively won the debate.
In the meantime, it surely can’t hurt to curb some of our salt-laden processed-food intake—but the pounds we shed may be even more helpful than the salt we shun when it comes to lowering blood pressure.

Spinosaurus fossil: 'largest swimming dinosaur that ever lived

Artist impression of spinosaurus partly submerge in water
The 95-million-year-old remains confirm a long-held theory: that this is the first-known swimming dinosaur.
Scientists say the beast had flat, paddle-like feet and nostrils on top of its crocodilian head that would allow it to submerge with ease.
Lead author Nizar Ibrahim, a palaeontologist from the University of Chicago, said: "It is a really bizarre dinosaur - there's no real blueprint for it.
"It has a long neck, a long trunk, a long tail, a 7ft (2m) sail on its back and a snout like a crocodile.
"And when we look at the body proportions, the animal was clearly not as agile on land as other dinosaurs were, so I think it spent a substantial amount of time in the water." while other ancient creatures, such as the plesiosaur and mosasaur, lived in the water, they are marine reptiles rather than dinosaurs, makingSpinosaurus the only-known semi-aquatic dinosaur.
Spinosaurus aegyptiacusremains were first discovered about 100 years ago in Egypt, and were moved to a museum in Munich, Germany.
However, they were destroyed during World War II, when an Allied bomb hit the building.
A few drawings of the fossil survived, but since then only fragments of Spinosaurus bones have been found.
The new fossil, though, which was extracted from the Kem Kem fossil beds in eastern Morocco by a private collector, has provided scientists with a more detailed look at the dinosaur.
"For the very first time, we can piece together the information we have from the drawings of the old skeleton, the fragments of bones, and now this new fossil, and reconstruct this dinosaur," said Dr Ibrahim.
Reconstruction of Spinosaurus
The dinosaur has a number of anatomical features that suggest it was semi-aquatic
Life-size reconstruction of Spinosaurus
A life-size reconstruction of Spinosaurus is on display at the National Geographic Museum in Washington DC
The team says that Spinosauruswas a fearsome beast.
The researchers say that, at more than 15m (50ft) from nose to tail, it was potentially the largest of all the carnivorous dinosaurs - bigger even than the mightyTyrannosaurus rex.
Scientists had long suspected that the giant could swim, but the new fossil offers yet more evidence for its semi-aquatic existence.
Dr Ibrahim explained: "The one thing we noticed was that the proportions were really bizarre. The hind limbs were shorter than in other predatory dinosaurs, the foot claws were quite wide and the feet almost paddle shaped.
"We thought: 'Wow - this looks looks like adaptations for a life mainly spent in water.'"
He added: "And then we noticed other things. The snout is very similar to that of fish-eating crocodiles, with interlocking cone-shaped teeth.
"And even the bones look more like those of aquatic animals than of other dinosaurs. They are very dense and that is something you see in animals like penguins or sea cows, and that is important for buoyancy in the water."
Its vast spiked dorsal sail, though, was probably more useful for attracting mates than aiding swimming.
Kem Kem fossil beds
The fossil was unearthed from the Kem Kem fossil beds in Morocco
The researchers say thatSpinosaurus lived in a place they describe as "the river of giants", a waterway that stretched from Morocco to Egypt.
They believe it would have feasted on giant sharks and other car-sized fish called coelacanths and lungfish, competing with enormous crocodile-like creatures for its prey.
Commenting on the research, Prof Paul Barrett, from London's Natural History Museum, said: "The idea thatSpinosaurus was aquatic has been around for some time and this adds some useful new evidence to address that issue.
"But finding a more complete skeleton after the best material was destroyed in a WW2 bombing raid is significant, and this has allowed some surprising things to be found out about this animal.
"One of the things about this paper that struck me as particularly neat was the suggestion that Spinosauruswas a quadruped - all other meat-eating dinosaurs were bipeds. It would have moved in a really freaky, weird way in comparison with its relatives - whether on land or in water.
"One issue though, due to the way it was obtained - through a private collector - is that it would be good to get confirmation, such as the original excavation map, to show that all of the parts definitely came from a single skeleton."

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Human Ebola vaccine trial to start

  • A highly anticipated test of an experimentalEbola vaccine will begin this week at the National Institutes of Health, amid mounting anxiety about the spread of the deadly virus in West Africa.
    After an expedited review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, researchers were given the green light to begin what's called a human safety trial, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
    It will be the first test of this type of Ebola vaccine in humans.
  • The experimental vaccine, developed by the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline and the NIAID, will first be given to three healthy human volunteers to see if they suffer any adverse effects. If deemed safe, it will then be given to another small group of volunteers, aged 18 to 50, to see if it produces a strong immune response to the virus. All will be monitored closely for side effects.
    The vaccine will be administered to volunteers by an injection in the deltoid muscle of their arm, first in a lower dose, then later in a higher dose after the safety of the vaccine has been determined.
    Some of the preclinical studies that are normally done on these types of vaccines were waived by the FDA during the expedited review, Fauci said, so "we want to take extra special care that we go slowly with the dosing."
    The vaccine did extremely well in earlier trials with chimpanzees, Fauci said. He noted that the method being used to prompt an immune response to Ebola cannot cause a healthy individual to become infected with the virus.
    Still, he said, "I have been fooled enough in my many years of experience... you really can't predict what you will see (in humans)."
    According to the NIH, the vaccine will also be tested on healthy volunteers in the United Kingdom, Gambia and Mali, once details are finalized with health officials in those countries.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Effect of swimming on the human body

By Lynn Hetzler
How Does Swimming Help the Human Body?
Swimming helps the human body in many ways. Photo Images
Swimming is the second most popular sports activity in the United States, according to the Census Bureau. Swimming improves your health in a variety of ways, like decreasing your risk for heart disease, helping you lose weight and maintaining strength and flexibility. Engaging in water sports can also improve your physical well-being by enhancing your mental status.

Aerobic Exercise

Swimming is an aerobic exercise, beneficial to cardiovascular health. Just two and a half hours of aerobic exercise, like swimming, reduces your risk for heart disease. Swimming laps helps you lose weight by burning at least 500 calories an hour. Engaging in more vigorous swimming activities, like competitive swimming, will burn more calories each hour. Swimming, like any exercise, helps your cells absorb glucose, lowering your blood sugar.

Muscle Strength

Swimming is a good muscle-building exercise because the water provides resistance that makes the muscles work harder. Doctors frequently recommend swimming to help injured athletes to stay in shape. Swimming keeps their muscles strong and buoyancy prevents further injury.

Swimming also strengthens postural muscles, or the muscle groups in your torso that enable you to stand erect. While swimming strengthens your arms and legs, it also works your abdominal and back muscles. Swim to strengthen your core muscles enough to support your own weight.

Low Impact

Swimming is an excellent exercise for you, especially if you suffer from a chronic disease like arthritis. You are more buoyant in water, allowing you to move stiff joints while bearing less weight. Additionally, buoyancy frees your body to move in different ways than when you are out of the water, exercising important postural muscles.

Other Benefits

Swimming and warm water therapy decrease anxiety and depression while improving the mood of fibromyalgia patients. Swimming in a cool pool is a great way to safely exercise on a hot day, reducing the risk of heat stroke. Family swim sessions instill a life-long passion for exercise and good health in children, as well as giving families an excuse to enjoy time together. Swimming helps develop strength and coordination in children, increasing your child’s chances of continuing healthy exercise patterns for life.

Continued Benefits

Swimming helps the aging human body because you are able to swim well into your senior years, unlike other forms of exercise better suited to young people. Swimming maintains or even improves bone health in post-menopausal women, according to a study by A. Rotstein of the Wingate Institute. Senior citizens respond positively to swimming by improving exercise habits and decreasing activity of daily living disabilities.